Last month, I published 3 blog posts on how computers work on a low level from a hardware perspective. Such a low level, that we created an entire computer on breadboards. Now, you may be wondering how do we interact with a computer? Well, you already know how computers execute instructions to process values in memory and you’ve probably used a ...

The 4043 - Part 3: Days 8 to 10, Well, how do they understand instructions?
In the last two posts, we covered quite a bit of the von Neumann architecture and how The 4043 breadboard computer maps to it. This is the third post in a 3-part series on computer architecture

The 4043 - Part 2: Days 5 to 7, But, how do they execute code?
In the last post, we talked a bit about computer architecture and how computers generally work. We also got to know a little about how the 8Bit breadboard computer maps to all of that, discussing the clock, registers, and ALU (checked in the image below).

The 4043 - Part 1: Days 1 to 4, How do Computers Work?
If you’ve been following me on Twitter, you must’ve been seeing some insane dude who is putting some chips on a breadboard and is using a lot of wiring.This may or may not be be giving you college electronics lab PTSD… Anywho, It seems like he’s up to something.

Utilising EDR Tests to Enhance Threat Detection
Adversary emulation has been a really popular activity in organisations lately. It detects security holes in the organisation’s network and is generally a fun activity to do. In this post, we will look at a blend of EDR tests, adversary emulation, and enhancing threat detection.

Formatting your Hard Drive isn't Enough
We’ve all been there, you want to sell your laptop, old PC, or even your hard drive. Then, you recall reading somewhere that data can be recovered from drives even after they’ve been formatted… and, well, of course it can! You look it up on the internet and find not less than seven local businesses and over a hundred global ones that claim to re...

Tracking Changed My Life!
First, the backstory. Growing up, I had quite a bit of difficulty understanding what made me happy and what did not. My definition of “happiness” changed over the years, however the mystery always remained: What are the things that actually makes me happy? Is it achieving things? Is it sitting back and playing videogames all day? Is it going out...

Sysmon EID 27 Bypass
Sysmon version 14.0 was released on the 16th of August 2022. The new version introduces a new Event ID: 27 FileBlockExecutable. It is kind of new for sysmon to block something from happening completely. So, it was interesting to think of a way to bypass it!
I came across this post by Olaf Hartong. In this post, Olaf was previewing the new event...
36 post articles, 5 pages.